How did I grow sick of fish in the first place? Well, when you live on a river and you're poor- and by that I mean just making the bills poor- there's only one place to turn for food; the river. And so began our days of fishing. Yeah it sucked. Yeah I saw parts of different kinds of fish that I hope to never see again. Yeah, I ate fish I never want to eat again. But, when I got to Seattle, and for the first time had salmon, I knew that that was going to be a fish I was going to enjoy. Much better than rainbow trout or sucker fish- don't ask...
Anyway, one day I went to reach for the salmon rub- a real treat on salmon, which I'd recommend to anyone who wants an easy salmon fix- and it was all gone. How could I have done such a thing!!! I was only worried for a moment though, because I instantly started thinking of all of the flavors that go good with salmon and started scouring my cupboards and fridge for them. The result is this recipe that I came up with for salmon.
Salmon in Creamy Lemon-Dill Sauce on Rice
Start your rice before you start the salmon!!!
Put 3 tablespoons of butter into a pan and melt it with about 6 tablespoons of lemon juice and a teaspoon of dill.
Bring the heat back up on the sauce, then whisk in the gravy mix in while it's bubbling.
3 Tbs Butter or Margarine
6 Tbs Lemon Juice
1 tsp Dill
2 Salmon Fillets
3 Tbs Flour
1/4 tsp salt
Sweet Potatoes with Pineapple
1 can Princella Cut Sweet Potatoes (Big Can!)
1 can Pineapple Tidbits (Big can also)
1/2 stick Butter or Margarine
1/3 Cup Brown Sugar (I like the dark brown sugar)
Drain the juice from the potatoes and put into an 8" X 8" baking dish. Cut into smaller pieces and then slice the butter over the top of the potatoes.
Drain the pineapple, leaving a little juice in them, and add to the yams.
Sprinkle brown sugar over the whole lot and bake, uncovered, for about 25 minutes at 350° F.
Pull out, let set until cool enough to eat and enjoy!
Keep on cookin'!